Project – Fiona Fox

The world has recognised for awhile now the importance of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) in our education systems and in most corners of the world there are some fantastic efforts to increase our children’s knowledge and future job perspectives with STEM.

But like most sectors of the world’s work force, there is a gender imbalance within the STEM Feilds and Project Fiona Fox is here to help. Our mission with this project is to create a series of books explaining and inspiring various different STEM topics to age groups around 6 to 10. The difference being is that the main character, ‘Fiona Fox’ will be a positive female role model. Now, this is not to say that our series will be excluding any gender, but it will focus on Fiona being a strong, smart and fun female role model.

There is one other big difference too, we are conducting research into women who currently work within the STEM fields to get their perspectives, insights and input on this book series and other valuable information. As of writing this post (1st August 2017) we have over 125 Women that either work or have worked within STEM helping us with developing this series through the research.

Although only 1 question of the research, responses vary so far, 72.4% Think that having a female character role model will help encourage more girls into STEM, 24.4% said that it was too broad an argument to answer & only 3.3% thought that it would have no impact.

Over the coming months, we will be finalising our study and will publish the results for all to read.

In the mean time, we need your help in getting this project off the ground so please donate what you can either directly through PayPal or through our GoFundMe Campaign.

We are also always willing to collaborate with anyone or like minded community-based companies, so if you think you can help drop us an email.

Thank you for taking the time to read this page

Stay Inquisitive

-Cameron Costigan-

“Inspire the World with Science”


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