OMGYES – A new service teaching women to explore pleasure

Women’s sexual pleasure has hidden in the shadows for too long. It’s time to get it all out in the open.

There is a new website out that is tackling the issue of women’s pleasure head on and taking the stigma out of the topic for men and women alike. There’s so much that’s been left unsaid, unasked, and unknown. All because of taboos that will look absurd in a few decades—the same way taboos from the 1950’s about oral sex and homosexuality are absurd to us now. OMGYES.COM want to accelerate that transition.

OMGYes is an entirely new way to explore fascinating, useful and fun information that’s been uncovered in new research. Yes you read that right, research. The specifics of women’s pleasure have gone un-researched this long because the big institutions that fund research play it safe.

Pharma studies disorders, Public Health studies general behaviours, Medicine and Biology study what happens inside the body during orgasm. Those are all considered safe to research because they’re far enough away from what’s still considered ‘indecent’ in our culture: the specific, actual ways of touching that are pleasurable for women.

The only criticism we have about the service is that it is not being made available for teenage girls too. Now this is not the fault of OMGYES.COM but rather laws in regards to showing nudity to under 18’s, but to really break down barriers we believe educating the youth on this important topic is paramount to their noble cause.

So let’s lift the veil and take an honest look at the specific ways women actually find pleasure.

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