Our Mission


Our Mission is simple, to educate and inspire the community with science, motivating more adults and children alike to pursue a career in the STEM fields and to consider science as more than ‘just another subject at school’. Science, technology, engineering and mathematics are the most important topics we can educate our community with, as almost every aspect of modern life is encompassed by these subjects. Basically a STEM educated Australia is a prosperous Australia, plain and simple.

There is yet another reason why STEM mass education is so important to our future. If our youth appreciate and embrace even just a basic level of STEM then our future politicians that will make decisions affecting our future, will have a better chance of making decisions that are based on sound scientific knowledge rather than outdated political views.

Another mission that is close to our hearts is bridging the gender gap within the STEM fields and encouraging as many women as possible towards this career path. We are also very keen to encourage and educate as many indigenous Australians into the STEM fields as both the lack of women and indigenous peoples, represents a potentially huge untapped scientific resource.

Unfortunately our country is already in a dangerous position with the lowest STEM related education levels in 20years, Point & Case: 20-year decline in year 12 science and maths participation

So how do we plan to achieve this? Well anyway we can, but to be more specific we aim to have frequent, up to date and modern science / Technology news, videos, events and displays. The news part of our strategy is easy to achieve and currently in action via our website and social media campaigns.

We have already released some short educational videos and once we are at full investment capacity we aim to make 2-3 a week but also interview and exhibit current inspiring scientific work from around Australia and the world.

We are also currently attempting to hold Perth’s first Science & Technology Expo for August 2015 which will be a windfall for inspiring science in Australia, by exposing people to advanced technologies and speakers, which the community wouldn’t normally have access to.

We can’t put all our cards on the table but we have a lot of projects on the go, from a Mar Curiosity Rover replica for science museums around Australia to collaborating with Australian hip-hop groups and even some Augmented Reality Apps.

The ways to inspire are endless and STEM is so important to our nation and the world that every measure should be taken to expose our communities, both young and old to fantastic scientific knowledge and technologies.

If you want to help us or collaborate drop us and email.

Stay Curious – C.Costigan

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